Friday Mar 13, 2020
Love Sober Podcast 70 Anxiety 13/03/2020
Friday Mar 13, 2020
Friday Mar 13, 2020
Episode 70.
This week we talk anxiety in light of the current world situation and especially in relation to media panic. There is a real need to work together, look after each other, regulate our nervous systems and protect our sobriety when anxiety kicks off, so we unpick how we feel at the moment and what strategies we are employing to get through this uncertain time. So grab a cuppa, snuggle up and let's chat this one through, with love from us. K & M xx
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Friday Mar 06, 2020
Love Sober Podcast 69 Guest: Sober Experiment 06/03/2020
Friday Mar 06, 2020
Friday Mar 06, 2020
This week Mandy is joined on the pod by Lisa and Alex from Sober Experiment. It was such a great chat, we discussed familys, life, drinking, trauma and the adverse childhood experiences that perhaps are behind why we numb out with alcohol and the power of really healing. We talk about their brilliant work within the workplace to invite the sober curious for a sober experiment and all the work they are doing. Including their event at Redemption on March 28th with guest speakers, Simon Chappel, Sober Dave, William Porter and Mandy https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-sober-experiment-uk-tour-london-tickets-88427939347?aff=ebdssbeac sponsored by Vibe Drinks.
Their friendship is a beautiful thing to witness, and there is nothing better than listening to people's stories, being in awe of their bravery, spirit and journey, we really enjoyed this chat and we know you will too, so grab a cuppa and let's chat. X
Learn more about Alex and Lisa on their website www.soberexperiment.co.uk The Sober Experiment was founded by Alex and Lisa, best friends for almost 30 years. They have worked together, drank together, emigrated together and after a short period of time spent on their own life journeys, have now embarked on a sober experiment together.
Despite both having successful careers and settling down to family life, both had been using alcohol as a crutch for all sorts of relatively ‘normal’ reasons, alcohol began to play too much of a part in their everyday lives. One morning, Lisa called Alex to announce she was experimenting with sobriety for 100 days. A year later, after Lisa had decided sobriety was a permanent fixture, Alex joined her. Together they have shared experiences beyond their wildest dreams and decided sobriety was just too good to keep to themselves.
They both realised that it wasn’t necessary to be labelled alcoholic in order to want to improve your lifestyle and become a healthier version of yourself. Through shared and different life experiences, they realised that although on the same journey, their pasts and present situations were so different that they could touch the hearts and minds of so many different people and turn their negative past into help for others.
They agreed that change was needed and wanted to create a platform where the stigma surrounding alcohol and alcoholism could be removed. The Sober Experiment was born and in such a short amount of time, they have been able to bring their services to help others. As an IPHM accredited training provider, The Sober Experiment now works interactively with groups of people in the workplace to allow them to ask anything and say anything in a safe environment with no stigma attached. Alex and Lisa ensure everyone they touch has a raised awareness surrounding the impact of alcohol on wellbeing, from CEOs to Managers to Staff to Students, and provide the tools to allow people to support others by knowing how to identify and refer concerns.
So many people use alcohol along life’s pathway. From wetting the baby’s head, to raising a glass at a funeral but the conversation of alcohol as an addictive substance is avoided until it is too late. Alex and Lisa want to change this and start having these conversations before a person becomes addicted. The Sober Experiment provides a safe space and support for everyone who chooses not to drink alcohol (either for social, religious, cultural or personal reasons) for people to be a part of and to talk without the fear of being labelled and encourage open and honest conversations.
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Friday Feb 28, 2020
Love Sober Podcast 68 Comfort Zones 28/02/2020
Friday Feb 28, 2020
Friday Feb 28, 2020
Ep 68
This week we talk through the rather sticky subject of comfort zones, are they good? Do they hold us back? When to push them and when to retreat, it's not always easy to know and so we mull this over and how we can help ourselves if we feel stuck in a rut. So grab a cuppa and let's chat x
Love K & M xx
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Friday Feb 21, 2020
Love Sober Podcast 67 Career & Parenting 21/02/2020
Friday Feb 21, 2020
Friday Feb 21, 2020
Episode 67
In this episode we discuss what comes up for a lot of people we talk to and our clients, the transitions between the roles we play, we are thrown from career person to parent to child to spouse, often without a moment to breathe and we have gotten used to using alcohol to ease the transition or temporarily calm the nervous system. So we have a chat about this, our it affects us personally, what tips or tricks we can employ to regulate, pause and not reach for the bottle. So grab a cuppa and let's chat x
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Friday Feb 14, 2020
Love Sober Podcast 66 Guest: Sam Quinlan 14/02/2020
Friday Feb 14, 2020
Friday Feb 14, 2020
This week on the pod we are delighted to welcome Sam Quinlan, Founder of ICAAD. Sam is a real sobershero having worked in the field of mental health, addiction and recovery for many years.
Samantha once dreamed of being a performer; however a un-nurturing culture back in the 80s saw her being stigmatised as fat, and unsuitable to be a performer, after a performing arts school misused her vocal abilities, and she suffered from overused vocal cords, that ruined her voice and prospective career in musical theatre.
She went on to train at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in production and stage management, and In the 1990s she began her mission to provide for others a nourishing and safe environment for creatives and those that had something to say, unlike her experience which left her full of shame and the burden of failure. Samantha founded the Brighton & Hove Fringe Festival, a yearly festival promoting talent and desire through arts, sports and outreach activities to include families and young people, reaching a wide audience and increasing the tourist footprint of the city. The festival is a leading event in the cultural calendar.
In 2001 after fighting her demons she acknowledged she was an alcoholic and sought treatment and has for the last 16 years been sober and drug-free and an active member of Alcoholics Anonymous. Samantha Quinlan has worked in the Behavioural Mental and Emotional Health sector for 15 years and is a founder of iCAAD. The International Conferences for Addiction and Associated Disorders, she programmes and directs conferences for professionals and the general public across Europe and the UK.
Samantha founded the Leading Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (LEAP) charity, alongside starting a residential addictions facility in 2003. She completed a foundation degree in general counselling in 2012. She is also a qualified facilitator of Equine Therapy. She has devised and delivered programs for vulnerable adults and young people, adolescents with extreme childhood trauma, workplace leadership and solutions and adults with learning disabilities.
Sam is committed to her personal development and leadership skills and regularly attends conferences and intensive courses, including the LCP at ONSITE workshops.
She sits as co-chair on the UFENow ethics committee as the co-chair to the “International Collaborative Committee (Cultural, Migration and International Ethical Issues)” and she is on the fundraising committee of International Animal Rescue.
In 2008 Samantha became a live kidney donor and today is happy to report the father to her children is alive and healthy, she believes this is nothing short of a miracle considering her history as an alcoholic and feels blessed that she has been able to be of services for the greater good.
Over the years Samantha has in her own time and as a volunteer, helped support 100s of people some referred to sober support, some treatment and others to therapists across all Behavioural Mental and Emotional health care issues. She reflects that when she needed help, she felt she was one of a lucky few and was able to access help without charge or bias, so today she strives to connect those in need to the right help or to signpost them to organisations that can help.
Samantha believes that many people in the UK do not know where they can go to get help and support but is hugely in favour of the sober movement and the stamping out of stigma she tries through iCAAD to offer clear signposts for those that are displaced, or struggling or isolated, and she hopes that through her work and iCAAD, that families and professionals may learn about and get the help they need. She would love for more of the general public to attend iCAAD x
In her spare time, she likes to build theatre sets and would one day love to perform again!
Sam would like to offer these words of encouragement with other women in the world?
When the whole world looks dark and those around you can not find a good word to say about you, when their cruel words keep on digging deeper under your skin and when no one can see you are crumbling and screaming inside. Turn around and start walking, keep on walking until you face someone and say can you help me, and if at first you don’t get heard, don’t give up, keep on asking for help; eventually, you will be heard and held. I promise x
This episode is an absolute gem and we really encourage you to check out the amazing resources, blogs and conferences at www.icaad.com and Kate and Mandy will be presenting at ICAAD London, we would love to see you there, so grab a cuppa and let's chat.
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Friday Feb 07, 2020
Love Sober Podcast 65 Self Love 06/02/20
Friday Feb 07, 2020
Friday Feb 07, 2020
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Friday Jan 31, 2020
Love Sober Podcast 64 Mothering 31/01/20
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Friday Jan 31, 2020
This episode maybe what you technically call a rant lols. We just had to get something out and that’s Mum shaming.
It’s happened to so many of us, everyone seems to have an opinion about mothers, and everything seems to be laid at our doors, attachment, our kids mental health, mothers are under enormous pressure and we are trying our best to get it right, but what if there are huge gaps in this conversation? What if the conversation needs an update? What if what modern mothers need is support?
We know how impactful childhoods can be, but how about shifting to focus on everyone’s role? Societies role? How about women supporting women, and us moving towards a narrative that puts mothers in the firing line.
This is very much an opinion piece, but it’s our story and we don’t think we’re alone. So apologies for the swears, grab a cuppa and let’s chat.
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Friday Jan 24, 2020
Love Sober Podcast 63 Guest:Tammi Salas 24/01/20
Friday Jan 24, 2020
Friday Jan 24, 2020
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Friday Jan 10, 2020
Love Sober Podcast 62 Guest:Simon Chapple 10/01/20
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Episode 62:
We are delighted to welcome Simon Chapple on the pod this week. Simon Chapple is the founder of Be Sober, the author of The Sober Survival Guide and a senior alcohol coach for This Naked Mind. He has made it his life mission to spread the word about the benefits of an alcohol-free life and has helped thousands of people change their relationship with drinking. This was SOOO good, we chatted through strategies for people starting out in sobriety how to view sobriety as an exploration and to be your own detective, write about your experiences, add in rather than relying on Willpower alone. We talked personally about what sobriety has brought to Simon especially in his relationships with his wife and son. We talk about his journey which is very inspirational! We also talk about barriers to men getting help in Sobriety and his mission to change that which is fantastic. We really enjoyed this, so grab a cuppa and let's chat.
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Friday Jan 03, 2020
Love Sober Podcast Kate & Mandy 61 03/01/20
Friday Jan 03, 2020
Friday Jan 03, 2020
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