Friday Mar 15, 2019
Love Sober Podcast 30 Hidden Triggers 15/03/19
Friday Mar 15, 2019
Friday Mar 15, 2019
Things have been tricky #understatement for team Love Sober so we have approached this episode to try to have some light relief whilst dealing with the subject of hidden triggers. When is it for you that the Wine witch pops her evil head when you least expect it? Is it on a cooking program or a sunny café terrace? We examine these and other things that make us shout “oh f*** off booze” Sending love to the family of @j.fletch.productionz who helped us hugely set up, edit and produce this podcast in the beginning who died suddenly from a heart attack recently you are loved and will be missed. Massive thanks to D too who took over producing these episodes for us, especially facing the sh**storm that life is throwing at you right now. Big love to all. Grab a cuppa and let’s chat x
If you would like to support the podcast you can via https://www.patreon.com/join/lovesoberpod
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Friday Feb 22, 2019
Love Sober Podcast 28 Guest:Zoe Blaskey 21/02/2019
Friday Feb 22, 2019
Friday Feb 22, 2019
In this episode of the podcast we are joined by Zoe Blaskey of Motherkind. Zoe is a writer, speaker and coach. Working with mums to reconnect with themselves. Her no1 rated podcast Motherkind features leading specialists in the field of wellbeing. Zoe is also a sober mum. We talk about her journey from a place of low self worth, with a lack of boundaries and bad habits through a place of self love, self compassion and joyful calm. Zoe shares with us her tools for wellness including her connection with Alanon and how the twelve steps have guided her, so practices of yoga, meditation and self compassion. Resources mentioned: Dr Gabor Maté Dr Kristen Neff Find Zoe: Instagram -@motherkind_zoe Website -www.motherkind.co Facebook - Motherkind.co Twitter - @Motherkind_
If you would like to support the podcast you can via https://www.patreon.com/join/lovesoberpod
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Friday Feb 15, 2019
Love Sober Podcast 27 Life 14/02/2019
Friday Feb 15, 2019
Friday Feb 15, 2019
This week we talk about how to get through when life gets tough, we talk motherhood and the stress that that can bring, and how to protect sobriety through those tough times. Trying to be gentle with ourselves, keeping close to our values, to nurture ourselves. Grab a cuppa, wrap yourself in a blanket and join us for a chat x Tara Brach - Rain of self compassion https://www.tarabrach.com/meditation-the-rain-of-self-compassion/ How to talk so kids listen and listen so kids will talk https://www.amazon.com/How-Talk-Kids-Will-Listen-ebook/dp/B005GG0MXI Jenn James https://jennjamescoaching.com/ Lucy Rocca https://therestishistory.co/our-blog/2019/2/8/i-didnt-find-god-i-found-my-gut Tammi Salas https://www.tammisalas.com/ Vagal response - https://blog.bulletproof.com/vagus-nerve-vagal-response/ Jolene Park http://www.healthydiscoveries.com/about/ Our workshop : Love Sober Life - Nurture Yourself Sober with Jolene Park https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/love-sober-life-nurture-yourself-sober-with-jolene-park-tickets-55520951661?fbclid=IwAR29S8x85UQSiPQXLQVGPzQ4XQ99SKz1xDhqq55b7jEejkbgQMvo15297lo https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=ZNkXQYxfIlQ
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Friday Feb 08, 2019
Love Sober Podcast 145 Guest:Laura Willoughby 07/02/19
Friday Feb 08, 2019
Friday Feb 08, 2019
On this episode of the pod wanted to revisit absolute shero to the sober community, Laura Willoughby MBE co-founder of Club Soda, the mindful drinking movement.
We want to promote the Club Soda Mindful Drinking Festival this autumn. https://joinclubsoda.com/event/global-mindful-drinking-festival-2021/ and to highlight the brilliant work of changing the landscape of alcohol-free drinks in the UK and what a brilliant shero she is. The Festival is coming up soon- it will be fully online and we will be involved at some point 😊
Club Soda has 30,000 active members, 5,000 pubs and 200 drinks brands registered. It has made fundamental changes to way sobriety is being viewed in British society, campaigning for real tasty alternatives to be provided for people that do not drink and to make pubs inclusive spaces for all people. Club Soda also works to provide a space for people to think about their drinking, and how they drink around others to be mindful. They have groups on facebook for those who want to go alcohol free or drink less, and hold regular meetups around the UK. The Mindful drinking festival attracted 10,000 visitors this year, the tide is changing, and Laura and her team have been instrumental in bringing alcohol free living into the mainstream. We'd like to thank Laura for taking the time to speak so honestly and openly with us about her story. It truely was inspirational. So grab a cuppa and listen to our chat. x www.joinclubsoda.co.uk @joinclubsoda INSTA joinclubsoda TWITTER joinclubsoda FACEBOOK
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Friday Feb 01, 2019
Love Sober Podcast 25 Fading Affect Bias 31/01/2019
Friday Feb 01, 2019
Friday Feb 01, 2019
This week on pod we talk amongst other things FAB, Fading Affect Bias - the phenomenon in which we tend to forget bad associations with events rather than good. ie rose tinted glass or in recovery language euphoric recall. This is massively effected by your mental health state so if you're depressed you focus on the negative... FAB is a common trigger in sobriety, from being caught in how bad alcohol is making you feel (your move away goal) you start to feel better physically and mentally and those messages of "it wasnt that bad" or "I can moderate" or romanticism about positive alcohol experiences. So if you're coming to the end of DryJan - think of your why? Really connected with all experiences with alcohol - is it really that great? Join us on the pod for some strategies to combat this not so FAB challenge to your sobriety XX
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Friday Jan 25, 2019
Love Sober Podcast 24 Guest:Julia 24/01/2019
Friday Jan 25, 2019
Friday Jan 25, 2019
This week in episode 24 we interview inspiring real-life hero Julia from No Filter Sobriety. Julia shares her story, which includes the diagnosis of post-natal depression, and how her mental health wellness and being alcohol free became an obvious link. She shares the wonders of her to being sober - connection, friendship and health. We had major sound quality issues with this one. It's a really uplifting listen, So we hope you enjoy it. Julia has her own blog at https://nofiltersobriety.wordpress.com/ and on instagram @nofiltersobriety Resources mentioned: Annie Grace - This Naked Mind https://thisnakedmind.com/annie-grace/ Soberistas - https://soberistas.com/ Club Soda - https://joinclubsoda.co.uk/ Clare Pooley - The Sober Diaries Catherine Gray - The Unexpected joy of being sober Laura McKowen - https://www.lauramckowen.com/blog/ She Recovers manifesto - https://sherecovers.co/intentions-guiding-principles/ Oprah and Deepak Chopras http://www.oprah.com/own/first-look-deepak-chopras-21-day-meditation-challenge-video
If you would like to support the podcast you can via https://www.patreon.com/join/lovesoberpod
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Friday Jan 18, 2019
Love Sober Podcast 23 Self-compassion 18/01/2019
Friday Jan 18, 2019
Friday Jan 18, 2019
This week we talk about comparisonitus and learning the art of self-compassion, so grab a cuppa and let's chat XX
If you would like to support the podcast you can via https://www.patreon.com/join/lovesoberpod
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Friday Jan 11, 2019
Love Sober Podcast 22 Dry January 11/01/19
Friday Jan 11, 2019
Friday Jan 11, 2019
Happy New Year and welcome to series 3. In this week’s podcast we talk about Dry January, Red January and the role of exercise as a sober / mental health/ wellness tool. We also recap the tool box for any newbies listening in. Lastly we talk about setting goals with compassion, seed-wishes and plans for this coming year.
If you would like to support the podcast you can via https://www.patreon.com/join/lovesoberpod
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Friday Dec 14, 2018
Love Sober Podcast 21 13/12/2018
Friday Dec 14, 2018
Friday Dec 14, 2018
The Last one of 2018! Feeling emosh as we look back over our journeys this year and look forward to new plans and ventures in 2019. Love you all XXX Stay sAFe xxxx Resources: sarablondin.com The Blurt Foundation blurtitout.org Tara Mohr taramohr.com sherecovers.co weareingood.co stacieswift.com The Last one of 2018! Feeling emosh as we look back over our journeys this year and look forward to new plans and ventures in 2019. Love you all XXX Stay sAFe xxxx Resources and inspiration : https://sarablondin.com The blurt Foundation https://blurtitout.org https://taramohr.com https://weareingood.co https://stacieswift.com Bubble hour https://www.blogtalkradio.com/bubblehour Kay Ska https://kayska.com/about/ She Recovers https://sherecovers.co/ Recovery Wrx https://www.recoverywrx.org/ Recovery Elevator https://www.recoveryelevator.com/ Laurie McAllister https://girlandtonic.co.uk
If you would like to support the podcast you can via https://www.patreon.com/join/lovesoberpod
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Wednesday Dec 05, 2018
Love Sober Podcast 20 Guest:Chrissie BlueAngel 06/12/2018
Wednesday Dec 05, 2018
Wednesday Dec 05, 2018
Today's episode is the first in our Sober Stories series. Real life stories with awesome sheros/heros who are rocking af life and love life sober. We talk about how they got there, what strategies they used and what sober living means to them. Today's episode we chat with our good friend Chrissy (BlueAngel) who has two plus years of sobriety. Chrissy has a great story about how to boss your first year, how to stand your ground and protect your decision not to drink and how amazing the changes in her life have been since being AF. Grab a cuppa and join us for some inspiration :-) Resourses mentioned: https://www.yogaevolutionretreats.com/ http://sarahhepola.com/title/blackout/ http://livingwithoutalcohol.blogspot.com/ http://www.tiredofthinkingaboutdrinking.com/ http://www.alcoholexplained.com/
If you would like to support the podcast you can via https://www.patreon.com/join/lovesoberpod
You can join us via links below:
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