Friday Oct 30, 2020
Love Sober Podcast 102 Toolkit Revisited 30/10/2020
Friday Oct 30, 2020
Friday Oct 30, 2020
In this week's pod we are Marie Kondo-ing our sober toolkits and what the new additions have been over the last few months. We are reflecting on what brings joy and the gentle exploration and enquiry into the changing needs and growth that happens in sobriety.
We also invite all coaches or those interested in coaching and expanding their experience in the area of addictive behaviours to join us in an introductory FREE event via zoom on Tuesday 3rd Nov ant 10am : LINK to join to find out a bit more.
We have been working with them since March and they recognise the importance and are very keen to provide a training in their portfolio for a Certification in Addictive Behaviours Coaching. This will be facilitated by us in Feb 2021.
Things we think ROCK and are in the toolkits ATM are asking the question does this spark joy?:
Brene Brown- Unlocking Us
Ear Hustle
Conversation with Alanis Morisette
Home Cooking
Sober Sex
How to be a boss at Ageing
Conversation with Nova Reid
Books :
Atomic Habits
Craving Mind
Neals Yard Seaweed and Arnica Body Soak
Neal's Yard Women's Balance Essential Oil Blend
Headphones and music
Comedy on Facebook
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Love Sober Podcast 101 Guest: Le'Nise Brothers 23/10/2020
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Episode 101! This week we are delighted to chat to Le'Nise Brothers @eatlovemove. Le’Nise Brothers is a registered nutritionist, mBANT, mCHNC, specialising in women’s health, hormones and the menstrual cycle, yoga teacher and host of the Period Story podcast. She works with women who want to get control of sugar cravings, mood swings and hormonal acne, bloating and headaches, as well as increase their energy levels.
Le’Nise has helped many women with hormonal issues ranging from PMS, PCOS, fibroids, endometriosis, heavy, painful, missing & irregular periods, post-natal depletion, peri menopause and menopause.
She set up her practice Eat Love Move to help empower and educate women to understand their bodies, advocate for better healthcare and heal.
We had a great discussion about sobriety, nutrition, self-care and women's health, so grab a cuppa and let's chat.
To find out more about Le'Nise https://eatlovemove.com/ or insta @eatlovemove and her podcast @periodstorypod
If you would like to support the podcast you can via https://www.patreon.com/join/lovesoberpod
You can join us via links below:
Friday Oct 16, 2020
Love Sober Podcast 100 Guest: Rose Romain 16/10/20
Friday Oct 16, 2020
Friday Oct 16, 2020
100th EPISODE of Love Sober Pod!!! WHAT AN EPISODE! What a lady, what a night .....We are delighted to speak to our dear friend and sober sis Rose Romain. Rose tells us her story of her journey to sobriety - she has been sober for 8 years. She talks of being an English girl in Paris , going to rehab, coming out the other side and then her journey of self discovery in sobriety. We also discuss the idea of a Love Sober Panto, sober sex and finding our people.
Rose Romain is a Certified professional creative and trauma informed recovery coach and she recovers designated coach , with a range of experience in supporting clients with substance misuse, debating, depression, anxiety, intimacy issues and creative burnout.
Rose has worked extensively in the entertainment world (wearing many a different hat) before retraining as a coach. Rose specialises in helping clients transform their inner voice to become their ally whilst re-connecting with their body, mind and soul with intuition, integrity and inspiration.
Rose is a member of the (MITC - music industry therapists and coaches collective) and proud co-host of the podcast SOBER SEX.
She is ALSO the voice of the audiobook of our book Love Yourself Sober
Find her at roseromain.com
If you would like to support the podcast you can via https://www.patreon.com/join/lovesoberpod
You can join us via links below:
Friday Oct 09, 2020
Love Sober Podcast 99 Guest: Rachael Welford 09/10/2020
Friday Oct 09, 2020
Friday Oct 09, 2020
Episode 99!
This week on the pod we had the great honor of talking to the wonderful @welfordwellbeing Rachael Welford. Rachael is the founder of Welford Wellbeing and Clear Club and the host of Things I Wish I’d Known Podcast.
She is on a mission to empower people to take control of their mental, emotional and spiritual health so they can live fuller and happier lives. If you’re looking for a self-love overhaul, newfound confidence and a mindset reset, you’ve found the right place. Rachael’s infectious energy sparks motivation and change. She shares practical tools, and life strategies which take her clients from stressed out, anxious and stuck to confident, positive, happy and really living their best lives. She’s worked with some significant names since setting up, including celebrity influencers, Hollywood actresses and companies like Reuters, Spotify, TikTok and DMG Media Group. She was voted one of London’s best alternative therapists by Time out and has been featured in VICE, New, Stylist, Evening Standard and Huffpost and now you can work with her this autumn to build self-love, confidence and realise how awesome you are! Whether you’re looking to clear the COVID-fear, start a new business, find love, build self-confidence and self-trust, she has the tools you need to get your head straight, find your passion and become your best self.
We had a great chat with Rachael about spirituality, mental health and sobriety so grab a cuppa and let's chat
Find out more about Rachael:
If you would like to support the podcast you can via https://www.patreon.com/join/lovesoberpod
You can join us via links below:
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Friday Oct 02, 2020
Love Sober Podcast 98 Sober October 2/9/20
Friday Oct 02, 2020
Friday Oct 02, 2020
Mandy and Kate chat about Sober October, the offerings during this month and some tips and tools for those who may be starting out on their sober journey this October.
All of the stuff we talk about can be found at lovesober.com
So please feel free to have a look around X
To support the podcast, visit Love Sober Patreon
With love as always
Kate & Mandy XXXXX
If you would like to support the podcast you can via https://www.patreon.com/join/lovesoberpod
You can join us via links below:
#reasonstolovesober #lovesoberpodcast #lovesober #loveyourselfsober #sober #soberlife #hangoverfree #sobriety #recoverycoach #sobermovement #sobercurious #alcoholfree #recovery #sherecovers #sobercoach #greyareadrinking #grayareadrinking #mentalhealth #motherhood #wineoclock #sobermums #selfcare #womeninrecovery #sobercommunity
Friday Sep 18, 2020
Love Sober Podcast 96 Guest: Arlina Allen 18/09/2020
Friday Sep 18, 2020
Friday Sep 18, 2020
This week Mandy interviews Arlina Allen. Arlina is a Teacher, Author, host of the award winning recovery podcast "The ODAAT Chat Podcast", and founder of Sober Life School.
She has been sober since 4/23/94, married for 23 years, and mother of two amazing boys. Her class "Reinvent-How To Rebuild Self-Esteem After Addiction, Heartbreak & Trauma" is being taught to those who've suffered from low self-esteem, codependency, workaholism and many other issues. It is also being taught in the CA Prison System to help provide healthy coping skills to inmates before they are released.
"We only allow into our lives what we feel we deserve, consciously or unconsciously. You can change what you believe and create the life of your dreams. Change your mind, change your life." ~Arlina Allen
Her course sounds amazing, she is such an inspiration, this was a great conversation, so grab a cuppa and let's chat.
Links: Reinvent - Self Esteem Course http://www.selfesteemcourse.com
Podcast http://www.odaatchat.com
Main Website - http://www.soberlifeschool.com
Our book Love Yourself Sober is now available to buy https://www.amazon.co.uk/Love-Yourself-Sober-Mandy-Manners/dp/1789561442/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr= or in any bookshop it can be ordered in XX
Friday Sep 11, 2020
Love Sober Podcast 95 Guest: Bernadette Russell - How to Be Hopeful 11/9/20
Friday Sep 11, 2020
Friday Sep 11, 2020
In this episode we are beside ourself with excitement to talk to author and storyteller Bernadette Russell about her journey through activism and self care in terms of mental health tools and about her new book out 10/9/2020 called 'How to be Hopeful.' From news gatekeeping, the sober lens, to Pandora's Box we talk about the importance of hope, especially now, for all of of us.
How to Be Hopeful BUY HERE
Your Toolkit to Rediscover Hope and Help Create a Kinder WorldBernadette Russell
Elliott & Thompson / £12.99 / 10 September 2020
Bernadette presents the ‘How to be Hopeful’ podcast.
More information at: https://www.bernadetterussell.com/ Instagram: @bernadetterussell Twitter: @betterussell / Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bernadetterussellwrites /
If you would like to support the podcast you can via https://www.patreon.com/join/lovesoberpod
You can join us via links below:
#reasonstolovesober #lovesoberpodcast #lovesober #loveyourselfsober #sober #soberlife #hangoverfree #sobriety #recoverycoach #sobermovement #sobercurious #alcoholfree #recovery #sherecovers #sobercoach #greyareadrinking #grayareadrinking #mentalhealth #motherhood #wineoclock #sobermums #selfcare #womeninrecovery #sobercommunity
Friday Aug 28, 2020
Love Sober Podcast 94 Our Book 28/08/2020
Friday Aug 28, 2020
Friday Aug 28, 2020
Episode 94
This week on the pod we talk book baby, the labour of love and it's creation, we also chat through what we're catchily naming the "best laid plans not carried out" or "the least relaxing holiday ever" It's been a journey folks. We are SO so grateful for those of you who pre-ordered the book, seeing photos of it on social media is SUCH a joy. If you enjoyed it please leave a 5 star review on Amazon and Goodreads it helps ALOT, and hopefully will help other people in need of support to find our book. We have been really touched by your support throughout the growth of this pod and then book and now our coaching practice, even our website is having a rebrand www.lovesober.com
Grab a cuppa and let's chat and thanks again. Love Kate & Mandy xxxx
If you would like to support the podcast you can via https://www.patreon.com/join/lovesoberpod
You can join us via links below:
#reasonstolovesober #lovesoberpodcast #lovesober #loveyourselfsober #sober #soberlife #hangoverfree #sobriety #recoverycoach #sobermovement #sobercurious #alcoholfree #recovery #sherecovers #sobercoach #greyareadrinking #grayareadrinking #mentalhealth #motherhood #wineoclock #sobermums #selfcare #womeninrecovery #sobercommunity
Friday Aug 21, 2020
Love Sober Podcast 93 Mandy Manners 21/08/2020
Friday Aug 21, 2020
Friday Aug 21, 2020
Happy third Soberversary Mandy! In this week's very special podcast Kate interviews the sober legend that is Mandy Manners about her journey over the last three years: The highs, the lows, the big learnings, the things that work what gives her meaning in her life and why she loves sober.
Mandy Manners is the co-founder of Love Sober, a community and podcast host. She is Certified Professional Life and Recovery Coach, a She Recovers® Designated Coach and a Gray Area Drinking Coach, author and speaker. She specialises in mindset and recovery coaching, focusing on the impact trauma and mental wellbeing has on problematic alcohol use.
She coaches women to feel empowered by their choice to stop drinking alcohol and use their decision to go sober to pivot from surviving to thriving in all areas of their lives. Using evidence based strategies to create their own toolkit of resources for stress management, nervous system regulation and self-supportive living.
She uses her training coupled with her own experiences to work with clients to transform their own lives to find balance, gratitude, satisfaction and a life they love sober. LEGEND!
If you would like to support the podcast you can via https://www.patreon.com/join/lovesoberpod
You can join us via links below:
#reasonstolovesober #lovesoberpodcast #lovesober #loveyourselfsober #sober #soberlife #hangoverfree #sobriety #recoverycoach #sobermovement #sobercurious #alcoholfree #recovery #sherecovers #sobercoach #greyareadrinking #grayareadrinking #mentalhealth #motherhood #wineoclock #sobermums #selfcare #womeninrecovery #sobercommunity
Friday Aug 07, 2020
Love Sober Podcast 91 Guest: Ella St John McGrand 07/08/20
Friday Aug 07, 2020
Friday Aug 07, 2020
Episode 91,
We absolutely loved chatting with Ella about her journey to sobriety and all the gifts it has brought her, she's a great guest, so grab a cuppa and let's chat. Love M & K xxx
If you would like to support the podcast you can via https://www.patreon.com/join/lovesoberpod
You can join us via links below:
#reasonstolovesober #lovesoberpodcast #lovesober #loveyourselfsober #sober #soberlife #hangoverfree #sobriety #recoverycoach #sobermovement #sobercurious #alcoholfree #recovery #sherecovers #sobercoach #greyareadrinking #grayareadrinking #mentalhealth #motherhood #wineoclock #sobermums #selfcare #womeninrecovery #sobercommunity